How To Share Love, Save The Planet, & Inspire Others

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness [and love].
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”
-Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert


Have you heard of the butterfly effect? It’s a theory that states that the flap of a butterfly’s wings has the power to change the path and strength of a hurricane.


It’s insane to think that something so small can have such a massive impact. But it’s true. And Leslie Coutterand–my guest for Episode 205 of Are You Being Real–and I believe that love can have the same level of impact.


Imagine what would happen if we all individually & collectively committed to putting more love into the world. What would be possible? Let’s find out…and the first action we can all take starts within ourselves.


Ask yourself this question…


Where is there more room for love in my life?


Leslie’s upcoming documentary, I Love Therefore I Am, shows us how love can affect four different layers of our life. Consider what you can personally do (apart from these examples) to show some love to the following areas:


1) Love towards Nature:
•Reduce your consumption of plastic water bottles, bags, and packaging.
•Be conscious of your animal product consumption.


2) Love towards Society:
•Promote causes you believe in.
•Volunteer your time to serve your community.
•Take a leadership role in a neighborhood organization.

3) Love towards Others:
•Acknowledge someone for the good they bring.
•Do a secret act of service for a stranger.
•Send a friend a personalized birthday video/LoveBomb! 😉

4) Love towards Yourself:
•Look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are loved and important.
•Take a relaxing bath and listen to great music.
•Commit to eating foods that make you feel your best.


If doing your part to spread the love vibes with you, then tune in to Episode 205 of Are You Being Real (you can listen or watch)! Leslie and I dive into why she’s working so passionately on in this documentary, how she went from actor to activist, the impact of social media on love and the world, and how she creates self-love within herself.


Wishing you a loving week full of many ‘butterfly’ moments!


Much love,