When Looking for Answers…

Moments of uncertainty, proverbial crossroads, and times when we simply don’t know what to do are inevitable parts of life. For direction, we may turn to logic and analysis, friends, Google, religion, or even our pets! And while they can be helpful and narrow our focus, they all come with external biases, can lead to analysis paralysis, and also have no guarantees of success & fulfillment.


So, what’s a healthy alternative?


Trusting, strengthening & acting on intuition.


Ok, great – but what does that even mean…and “how can I tell whether an idea or feeling is my intuition speaking or just another thought inspired by logic or fear?” While it may look slightly different for you personally, here are 5 ways to know when you are tapping into intuition:


•An idea or impulse shows up without hesitation. It often comes with our ‘first thought.’
•The idea or impulse brings good feelings of excitement and aliveness.
•It is effortless to envision it playing out in your mind.
•It often shows up ‘step by step,’ instead of showing you the big picture.
•It comes when you are most present in the moment you are experiencing.


For a deeper dive into intuition, check out Episode 186 of the Are You Being Real Podcast, where I sit down with Kirra Sherman (intuition coach, author, and host of The Deeper Spark podcast). Kirra shares valuable ways to strengthen your intuition, how to reconcile what we logically think with what our heart feels, and shares a beautiful story of a time she blindly trusted her gut. Check it out & ENJOY!


Wishing you a beautiful & intuition led week ahead…


Much love!



PS: Kirra interviewed me for her own podcast recently, so stay tuned for a link to that episode when it becomes available!


PPS: Check out Kirra’s Mind Over Matter Challenge